In the Community
Members of St Mary's are actively involved in supporting the work of various community enterprises, providing both financial and practical assistance wherever possible.
Oasis is a Cobham-based charity which was set up in 1996 to offer support and help to disadvantaged families, working with families where the children's circumstances are often symptomatic of years of unresolved issues for the parents and the family unit as a whole.
The services and facilities provided by Oasis combine to bring stability and hope to their clients and they include:
A "drop-in" centre for long-term preventative and supportive service to children, their families and carers.
A family support and "emergency" crisis intervention 24-hour service working directly with families and individuals every day of the year.
Direct counselling and guidance from a range of professional disciplines on a one-to-one basis.
The Family Centre, which is run by experienced and trained professionals, currently open three times per week for 51 weeks per year, welcoming older children during the school holidays.
Oasis are continually grateful to their supporters and volunteers, without whom their work would not be possible.
St Mary’s Church acts as one of the Donation Points for the Cobham Foodbank which is part of the Trussell Trust network. Donations of food can be left in the entrance to the Church Hall which is adjacent to the Church. The hall is open during regular church service times. For details of the food most wanted at the present time please see our latest Pew Sheet
Cobham Care
Cobham Care is an organisation which exists to help elderly members of the community who are without transport to keep appointments at the local health centre, hospitals or clinic. It was set up on the 1970s by a group of health visitors and funded originally by all the local churches. Several members of St Mary's congregation are voluntary drivers for Cobham Care or are past drivers who have now retired from driving either through age or infirmity. New volunteers are always welcome. Drivers are contacted each week to see if they are available but there is no need to commit to be available to drive on a regular basis. All requests for transport come through Cobham Health Centre, via the clinic co-ordinator, and are vetted to make sure the passengers have no other help available. Drivers can claim their petrol expenses, which are funded by donations given by passengers.
Meals on Wheels
New volunteers are always welcome to the Meals on Wheels service. Contact Cobham Day Centre (01932 867601) for more information about how you can help.
Spud Suppers
We hold our popular Spud Suppers on the first Monday of the month from 5-7pm in our church hall. We offer a simple supper of baked potato with a range of accompaniments plus a dessert. The cost if £10 per head. It is a great opportunity to get together with friends and share fellowship. Members of the congregation are actively encouraged to bring friends along to share fellowship with us.. Sign up sheets are in church or contact Polly on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Details in the pew sheets..